What a difference a year makes!  As we reflect on the craziness of 2020, it’s important to note some of the positives as well as the negatives, which we’re all too glaringly aware of.

Most certainly, if anyone had asked me 12 months ago to organise a virtual awards ceremony or produce an online webinar or even to moderate an online panel discussion, I’d have definitely paused for thought.  These are skills I never had in the past and honestly, I’m not sure how much demand there was for any of them.

In the interests of pivoting, new skills had to be learned, new markets had to be explored and most definitely new collaborations had to be formed.  While at the time, this felt like a survival move, looking back on it now, I realise that I probably would never have educated myself on any of those new skills unless I really had to. Now, I consider them valuable additional strings to the bow and I think we can all agree that the “baptism of fire” into new technologies has overall been a positive thing and a bit of futureproofing for companies.

I’m looking forward to continuing my education on virtual and online events and welcome a hybrid mix of physical and online events for 2021!







Brand Activation, Brand Storytelling, Brand Campaign, Branding, Event Strategy, Event Design, Event Execution, End to end event management, Event Management, Event Management Cork, Event Manager, Event Manager Cork, Event Consultant, Event Consultant Cork, Event Training, Events, Sponsorship service, One to one consultation, Event Management Workshop, Event Management Consultation, Sponsorship