Brand Storytelling

What is a Brand? It’s been said that your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room. Of course there’s more to it than that but simply put, it’s your reputation and the perception of your company in peoples hearts and minds. Do you know your company story? How do you tell the story of your brand? What makes it compelling? How do you stand out?

If you can answer these questions without hesitation, then you’ve nailed it!! If you haven’t quite nailed it and you’d like to learn a bit more, stay “tuned” right here and on our social pages while we talk about brand storytelling and effective brand activation.

Tell the Story – As the wonderful Julie Andrews once sang “let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start”! No matter how long your company is in existence, you should still be able to source the company’s vision. What was the Big Audacious Goal? Where did you want to be in 3, 5, 10 years? Where are you now? Getting to the heart of your company’s vision is important to re-frame your current thinking.  If you’re still on course, then fantastic, but if you’ve strayed a bit then it might be time to come back to basics.

And what about your values? Are you still living by them every day? Is everyone else? Are the same things important to you now than they were on day 1? Company values are important, they not only keep our eyes on the prize, they remind us every day why we’re here and why we do what we do (and hopefully love it!)

This type of exercise is very focusing and will help you to “re-boot” with fresh perspective on an existing vision.











Brand Activation

Brand Storytelling

Brand Campaign, Branding

Event Strategy, Event Design

Event Execution

End to end event management

Event Management

Event Management Cork

Event Manager

Event Manager Cork

Event Consultant

Event Consultant Cork

Event Training, Events

Sponsorship service

One to one consultation

Event Management Workshop

Event Management Consultation
