Getting to the heart of what truly makes you different is a game changer. To have a deep understanding of what sets you apart from your competitors and the reasons why clients chose you and are still choosing you.

Most business owners will know this (or at least you should!), but often times it’s loosely based on an assumption and not always corroborated by clients. For example, you may be the fastest, the best value, have the best team, the best technology – but how do you know it’s this exact thing that has attracted and retained a good client? Perhaps it’s something else – you would actually be surprised!

It’s always good to ask your clients why. Why did you choose us then and why do you continue to choose us? If the answers surprise you, then that’s actually fantastic – you have EVEN MORE things to make you unique! If they don’t, then that’s also good because you are still delivering exactly what your clients need.

Wear your UVP like a badge of pride – you’ve earned it!







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  •  Ireland
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  •  Event Strategy Cork
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